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Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101


Saturday February 22nd at 1901 Camrose St, Penticton


The goal of DOGSAFE® is to teach you the necessary knowledge and skills which will empower you to take positive action in the event of any emergency involving a dog. Canine first aid is different than human first aid in that dogs cannot tell us what hurts and there is no ambulance to call for help. Prevention of injury is the key, however, accidents do happen. What you do between when an injury happens and when veterinary care is available will greatly affect a dog’s chances of a full recovery. The topics are covered in-depth so that students have a thorough understanding of the principles of canine first aid. Since this is a very comprehensive course, we need your full attention and dogs do not come to class.

Continuing Education Credits Approved by: CCPDT (7), IACP, (7) and IAABC.

Cost $150.00 (tax included). Confirmation with details of the class will be sent via email once registration and payment have been received.   Payment must be received with registration in order to reserve a spot.

Register for Dogsafe Canine First Aid Training


DOGSAFE® Course Manual Included with class:

  • DOGSAFE: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know in an Emergency, by DOGSAFE® creator, Michelle Sevigny is included FREE with DOGSAFE® Part 1 course registration ($21.95 retail value). The 116 page comprehensive manual includes 56 real-life photographs. The course training and reference manual is reviewed by veterinarians, including Dr. James Lawson, Chief Animal Health Officer of the BC SPCA.
  • PLUS, the course manual includes:
  • Vital Signs Checklist for keeping track of your dog’s essential information,
  • Disaster Preparedness Checklist,
  • Essential Phone Numbers list for easy access in emergencies
  • K9 Incident Report Form to ensure accurate info during veterinary follow-ups.

The DOGSAFE® training and reference manual contains even more topics that are not covered in the course – a priceless manual for future reference


  • how to prevent common injuries
  • conduct a head to tail assessment
  • tell if your dog is experiencing pain
  • recognize 4 common signs of illness or injury
  • respond to any emergency in 4 easy steps
  • safely approach an injured dog
  • to take your dog’s vital signs and 3 other health tests
  • perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • perform artificial respiration
  • remove an airway obstruction (choking)
  • prevent and treat for shock
  • deal with penetrating objects
  • prevent and treat eye injuries
  • prevent and treat abdominal wounds
  • recognize the risk factors and how respond to bloat
  • prevent and respond to drowning
  • assess and respond to bone and joint injuries
  • prevent and respond to poisonings
  • prevent and respond to frostbite and hypothermia
  • prevent and respond to heatstroke
  • treat minor burns
  • treat various wounds

Dogsafe courses are designed to make complex topics easy and everyone will learn through seeing, listening and doing which improves knowledge retention. It’s effective and fun!  Each student will have the use of their own fully sanitized life size Canine CPR manikin for hands-on practice and experience. The canine CPR manikins are vital educational tools that are considerably more life-like than using stuffed toys. These manikins have working pulse and lungs enabling you to actually perform canine CPR, a technique that is not possible to conduct on live dogs. Each student will also have the use of their own individual first kit with supplies to practice bandaging. The DOGSAFE course goes beyond just watching an instructor demonstrate and provides opportunities for continual hands-on practice.

Other learning tools include:

  • plush demonstration dogs to practice bandaging
  • bandages and first aid supplies
  • first aid kits
  • even fake guts and eyeballs
  • situational videos
Paws On Safety